In a selection interview, the interviewer asks: 'Surely you'd agree that objectivity is a key requirement for an auditor?'
What sort of question is this?
In a selection interview, the interviewer asks: 'Surely you'd agree that objectivity is a key requirement for an auditor?'
What sort of question is this?
Rationale: A leading question pushes the interviewee to give a certain answer. (In this case, it isobvious that the interviewer
expects the interviewee to agree.) An open question requires self-expression; a closed question invites a one word either/or answer, and a problem-solving question presents candidates with a situation and asks them to say how they would deal with
it.Pitfalls: This is an easy aspect of interviewing technique to set questions on: make sure you can identify all types of
Monetary policy is a government economic policy relating to:
1 Interest rates
2 Taxation
3 Public borrowing and spending
4 Exchange rates
Which of the above are correct?
Which of the following organisations might benefit from a period of high price inflation?
Which of the following are the goals of macroeconomic policy?
1 Encouraging economic growth
2 Low unemployment
3 Achievement of a balance between exports and imports
4 Achieving zero inflation
Which of the following is an example of cyclical unemployment?
A surplus on the balance of payments usually refers to a surplus or deficit on the account.Which word correctly complete this statement?