The five core dimensions which contribute to job satisfaction are skill variety, task identity, task significance, and feedback.
Which of the following is the dimension missing from the above list?
The five core dimensions which contribute to job satisfaction are skill variety, task identity, task significance, and feedback.
Which of the following is the dimension missing from the above list?
Rationale: Autonomy is a degree of freedom or discretion in the job: the removal of restrictivecontrols.Ways in: You may have spotted that all the core dimensions are all intrinsic to the job itself: they are all what Herzberg would call 'motivator' factors.
You could then eliminate some of the options that are clearly extrinsic to the job, or 'hygiene' factors …
Monetary policy is a government economic policy relating to:
1 Interest rates
2 Taxation
3 Public borrowing and spending
4 Exchange rates
Which of the above are correct?
Which of the following organisations might benefit from a period of high price inflation?
Which of the following are the goals of macroeconomic policy?
1 Encouraging economic growth
2 Low unemployment
3 Achievement of a balance between exports and imports
4 Achieving zero inflation
Which of the following is an example of cyclical unemployment?
A surplus on the balance of payments usually refers to a surplus or deficit on the account.Which word correctly complete this statement?