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找出下面段落中实质性信息和非实质性信息。用E代表实质性信息,I代表非实质性信息。例:One common method of correcting typing mistakes is known as“opaquing correction fluid”.In other words,it is a fluid which Covers the error with a paper—colcured film.Essential:First sentence(实质信息:第一句)Inessential:Second sentence(非实质信息:第二句)1.First of all,the trainees are told what skill is to he practised during the training session.This stage is called the“briefing”.2.The sun was shining brightly through the window as Mrs.Lee erltered the room.She announced that the examination results would be displayed in the college entrance halt the following afternoon.3.At this point we should consider the qualifications required for suitable trainees.It is vital that all candidates should have good speeds and an adequate command of English.4.The quotation we asked for came in this morning’S post.It had been sent in a pale green envelope.5.Generally speaking,light ink on dark paper is less effective than dark ink on light paper.For example,white ink on dark green paper is not recommended.6.Miss Banda has been appointed as Typing Pool Supervisor.She has worked for the company for 12 years.7.The lack of demand for the products of one industry will affect other industries which supply the raw materials to make these products.An instance of this was the fall in demand for ships, which led to a decline in the steel making industry.8.It was obvious that something was wrong in the stores section.It was soon discovered thai petty theft was widespread.9.I now corne to my final point in my speech tO you this aftemoon. Because of increa~d demand and record sales,the company plans to build a new factory and employ 800 extra people.10.This concentration of certain industries in certain areas is known as “specification”.In other words.particular areas are said to speeialise in the manufacture of certain types of product.

辨认标明非实质信息的短语。1.In business,goods&le generally bought on credit,that is.they are paid for some time after delivery.2 If goods are to be paid for later,then the seller will send an invoice which informs the buyer through the post.This is a document which informs the buyer of the quantity,description,price and value of the goods he has purchased.3.Most businesses,especially those using machine accounting,do not show aIl these details but instead use a form of simplified accounting.4,Many organlsations,and particularly the larger ones,have turned more and more to the use of machinery for their office work.5.It is important to know the quantity and value of goods in stock in order that the balance sheet can be completed.Stock may bc defined as goods bought for sale,for manufacture and then for resale, or goods manufactured waiting to be sold.6.Many other items appear on a stock sheet,which would run to several pages,and different types of stock would be grouped together. For instance,a furniture company might have Bedroom,Dining Room,Lounge,and Kitchen Furniture as main subdivisions,and under each of these further groupings would be made.7.How does a business sell?How does it find its customers?It does so in the following ways:1.By advertising,that is,making itself known.Advertising takes allsorts offorms:1)Printcd—e.g leaflets,brochures,posters,etc.2)Personal-1.e.using people,such as commercial travellers or sales representatives.2.By dealing with the enquiries received,for instance,letters or telephone calls.3.By offering inducements to possible customers.Examples of such inducements range from free samples to longer credit terms than those offered by competitors.4.By offering geyods in attractive packs.For example,the shape of the bottle,the design and colour of the label,and the choice of a name can do a great deal to sell bottled goods,e.g.perfumes,fruit Juices,sauces and creams.